The Challenge.


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (2012 Edition)

Movies have always been both a source of comfort and stress for me. Comfort because when I watch the right kind of movie that suits my taste or current need, it helps me feel elated, inspired and just plain happy. Stress because I’m easily affected and films about murder or horror simply drive me to the wall. Also, I’m a “judge-the-movie-by-its-poster” kind of audience. If I don’t see anyone I recognize or I don’t like the general look of the poster, I don’t watch it.

This is a habit I’m willing to break.

You see, I love movies. I think the movie is one of the greatest achievements of man, aside from books. A movie can create a world on its own and take you through stories and lives in a way that no other media can.

Sadly, I find that nowadays, great movies are hard to come by, movies worth watching, movies that let you take away something worth taking away, worth remembering, worth keeping in your heart. Exactly how do you find them in the midst of movies that make you lose hope in art and creativity?

Enter the book: 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die.

I know. Some of the movies in here might not live up to the standard I’m setting. But I wouldn’t know that until I watch them one by one.

So here is the challenge: Watch all the movies in the list.

Just to warn you now, I have commitment issues with things like this so this is also an attempt to break that disheartening sickness. If I do stop part way, you’re very much welcome to curse my ass off because I’ll be doing the same. 🙂

Also, I’m putting this out there now, this is not a movie review site. I have exactly no idea what this is yet, but wherever it takes me, I only hope it’s somewhere good.

On to the first movie!

(loading up on my microwave cheese popcorn)

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