Number generators will decide my fate.

Okay. Now that my first movie is out of the way, it’s time to put some spin into this challenge.

As I’ve said, I will not be following the list’s order nor their chronological sequence. Instead, I’ll be using online number generators as a sort of lottery to decide which movie I shall watch next.

I’ll be using this list that assigned numbers to all the movies in the 2012 edition of the book (I love the internet) and watch the movie whose number is up.

So…time to spin the wheel!

My next movie is… (generating a number)

No. 563!

And that is… (looking through the list)

Ah ha!

The Ten Commandments directed by Cecil B. DeMille (1956)


Well, time to grab another microwave cheese popcorn. Yum!

Hmm…at this rate, my next blog will probably be about losing all the weight I’ll probably gain during this challenge, huh?

*putting down the popcorn*

Hello, celery sticks!


Who am I kidding? Bring on the popcorn!

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