Busy Weekends

You know that time when you set some goals, let’s say like dieting, and then your weekends just suddenly become so full of parties where you eat and eat and eat?

Well, I just had me a weekend away from home to visit some friends waaaay way south of Manila (I’m in the Philippines, by the way) and by the time I got back Sunday late afternoon, I was thoroughly spent and all my mind could take in for the rest of the night were reruns of Friends. So, any hope to watch some movies was gone. But I’m not worried about it, I got until Friday to watch some. And oh, I already have my next movie after Get Carter. It’s another French short film, A Day in the Country or Partie de campagne (1936).

And like I said, I only got until Friday. Another busy weekend is coming up and this time, it’s a beach trip plus a Father’s Day celebration.

Here we go!

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